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Dr Rosari Kingston


Rosarie Kingston PhD practises as a medical herbalist in an integrative medical practice in West Cork, Ireland, and also lectures on the topic, “Herbs and Healing in Irish Folklore,” in the Department of Folklore & Ethnology, at University College, Cork.


Ireland’s Hidden Medicine – An exploration of Irish indigenous medicine from legend and myth to the present day. Aeon publications UK 2021 

Book chapter:

Kingston, R. 2021. “Medicinas Traadicionais Europeias.”  In Medicina integrative na prática Clínica. Edited by Ciro blujus dos Santos Rohde, Mirella Martins de Castro Mariani, Ricardo Ghelman. 1st edition., Manole (publisher). P. 86. ISBN 9786555763508


Peer reviewed publications:

  • Folk Medicine and its Second Life. Estudios Irlandeses, 2017. 12(2): p. 91 -106
  • The Evil Eye and Biomediicne. Béascna, 2013. 8: p.89-102
  • A Tale of Two Bonesetters. Béascna, 2013. 8: p. 89-102.
  • A brief examination of the therapeutic properties of some of the herbs mentioned in the National Folklore Schools Collection (NFCS), Co. Clare. Béascna, 2011. 

Academic conference papers:

  • The Provenance of some Plant Knowledge Today ( Irish Conference of Medievalists. University College, Cork. 2019)
  • Worldview and Healing (Queens University, Belfast, 2016) 

Conference papers concerned with continuous professional development (CPD):

  • A Herbalist's approach to cardiovascular insufficiency and diabetes. (CPP. October 2021)
  • Culture and its Impact on Clinical Practice (Herbfeast, Co. Mayo, 2019),
  • The Irish Healing Tradition, (Botanica conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 2014)
  • Canadian Herb Conference. International panel. (November 2021
  • Canadian Herb Conference. Culture and its integration into Clinical Practice (November 2021)

Department of Folklore and Ethnology

Béaloideas agus Eitneolaíocht

5 Elderwood,College Rd Cork,Ireland
